Fibonacci Via Your Technology Health Route

Fibonacci promises to surprise you,
Fibonacci even encourages prosperity.
The Psychology of Shortcuts has proven it repeatedly:
Your use of Fibonacci terms tends to encourage prosperity.
No need to believe it, simply use Fibonacci intentionally.
Ergo, Psychology of Shortcuts ranks Fibonacci up there.
Of all numbers in existence, Fibonacci rocks the most.

Of all the tricks and secrets and shortcuts in existence,
let there be no doubt of the raw power of Fibonacci.
Count the number of seeds in your next strawberry.
Total the stripes on the abdomen of a bumblebee.
You will find that Fibonacci exists everywhere.
Use Fibonacci on purpose, to note the results is a tribute,
the first 13 Fibonacci terms, all lined up.

The string "01123581321345589144" is a representation of the Fibonacci sequence in which each number is formed by adding the two preceding numbers: The first Fibonacci number is 0. The second Fibonacci number is 1. The third Fibonacci number is 1 (0 + 1). The fourth Fibonacci number is 2 (1 + 1). The fifth Fibonacci number is 3 (1 + 2). The sixth Fibonacci number is 5 (2 + 3). The seventh Fibonacci number is 8 (3 + 5). The eighth Fibonacci number is 13 (5 + 8). The ninth Fibonacci number is 21 (8 + 13). The tenth Fibonacci number is 34 (13 + 21). The eleventh Fibonacci number is 55 (21 + 34). The twelfth Fibonacci number is 89 (34 + 55). The thirteenth Fibonacci number is 144 (55 + 89). The fourteenth Fibonacci number is 233 (89 + 144). The fifteenth Fibonacci number is 377 (144 + 233). The sixteenth Fibonacci number is 610 (233 + 377). The seventeenth Fibonacci number is 987 (377 + 610). The eighteenth Fibonacci number is 1597 (610 + 987). The nineteenth Fibonacci number is 2584 (987 + 1597). The twentieth Fibonacci number is 4181 (1597 + 2584). The twenty-first Fibonacci number is 6765 (2584 + 4181). The twenty-second Fibonacci number is 10946 (4181 + 6765). The twenty-third Fibonacci number is 17711 (6765 + 10946). The twenty-fourth Fibonacci number is 28657 (10946 + 17711). The twenty-fifth Fibonacci number is 46368 (17711 + 28657). The twenty-sixth Fibonacci number is 75025 (28657 + 46368). The twenty-seventh Fibonacci number is 121393 (46368 + 75025). The twenty-eighth Fibonacci number is 196418 (75025 + 121393). The twenty-ninth Fibonacci number is 317811 (121393 + 196418). The thirtieth Fibonacci number is 514229 (196418 + 317811). The thirty-first Fibonacci number is 832040 (317811 + 514229). The thirty-second Fibonacci number is 1346269 (514229 + 832040). The thirty-third Fibonacci number is 2178309 (832040 + 1346269). The thirty-fourth Fibonacci number is 3524578 (1346269 + 2178309). Note: The Fibonacci sequence is usually defined starting with 0 and 1, but sometimes it is defined starting with 1 and 1. In this case, the given string is in the latter format. What mathematical truths can be gotten from these numbers? From the given Fibonacci numbers, "01123581321345589144," several mathematical truths and properties can be derived. Here are some of them.

Fibonacci Property - Each number in the sequence (after the first two) is the sum of the two preceding ones. For example, 3 = 1 + 2, 5 = 2 + 3, 8 = 3 + 5, and so on.

Fibonacci Formula - There is a formula to calculate the n-th Fibonacci number directly
- Fn = (φ^n - (1 - φ)^n) / √5 where φ (phi) is the golden ratio, approximately 1.6180339887.

Consecutive Ratios - As the Fibonacci numbers increase, the ratio of consecutive numbers approaches the golden ratio φ. For example, 55/34 ≈ 1.617647, 89/55 ≈ 1.618182, and so on.

Limit Ratio - The limit of the ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers as n approaches infinity is the golden ratio φ.

Lucas Numbers - The Lucas numbers are a related sequence similar to the Fibonacci sequence, but with different initial values. They follow the same recurrence relation but start with 2 and 1 instead of 0 and 1.

Fibonacci Parity Theorem - Every third Fibonacci number is even. In the given sequence, 2nd, 5th, 8th, 11th, and so on are even.

Cassini's Identity - The product of two Fibonacci numbers that are one number apart is equal to the difference of their squares. For example, F5 * F7 = F6^2 - 1.

Zeckendorf's Theorem - Every positive integer can be uniquely represented as the sum of non-consecutive Fibonacci numbers (not necessarily distinct).

Fibonacci and Lucas Reciprocity - F(n) and L(n) are relatively prime for any n > 0, where F(n) is the n-th Fibonacci number and L(n) is the n-th Lucas number.

Pisano Period - The sequence of Fibonacci numbers taken modulo any integer n is periodic. The period is known as the Pisano period.

Fibonacci Primes - The sequence contains infinitely many prime numbers.

Fibonacci Squares Identity - The sum of the squares of the first n Fibonacci numbers is given by F(n) * F(n+1). These are just some of the mathematical truths and properties related to the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence has fascinated mathematicians for centuries and has connections to various areas of mathematics, including number theory, algebra, and geometry. It continues to be a subject of study and research in the field of mathematics. Let's continue exploring more mathematical truths and interesting properties related to the Fibonacci sequence.

Fibonacci Divisibility - There is a theorem that states that if m and n are relatively prime, then F(m) divides F(mn). This result has many applications in number theory.

Fibonacci Modulo p - The Fibonacci sequence taken modulo a prime number p exhibits a periodicity in the sequence. The length of the period is known as the Pisano period for the modulo p.

Fibonacci Matrix Representation - The Fibonacci sequence can be represented using matrix exponentiation. The n-th Fibonacci number can be found by raising a specific matrix to the power n and then taking the appropriate entry of the resulting matrix.

Fibonacci and Binet's Formula - Binet's formula is an explicit formula to calculate the n-th Fibonacci number using the golden ratio φ. It is given as F(n) = (φ^n - (1 - φ)^n) / √5.

Fibonacci and Fibonacci-Lucas Primes - A Fibonacci prime is a Fibonacci number that is also a prime number. Similarly, a Fibonacci-Lucas prime is a Lucas number that is also a prime number.

Fibonacci and Pascal's Triangle - There are connections between the Fibonacci sequence and Pascal's triangle. For example, the sum of the numbers in the n-th diagonal of Pascal's triangle is equal to the (n+1)-th Fibonacci number.

Fibonacci and Lucas Polynomials - The Fibonacci sequence can be expressed in terms of Lucas polynomials, which are a family of polynomials related to the Lucas numbers.

Fibonacci and Fibonacci Circles - If you draw squares with side lengths equal to the Fibonacci numbers and connect their diagonals, it forms a spiral. The curvature of this spiral is related to the golden ratio φ.

Fibonacci and Nature - The Fibonacci sequence appears in various natural phenomena, such as the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the spirals of a pinecone, the petals of flowers, and the patterns in sunflowers.

Fibonacci and the Golden Rectangle - The ratio of consecutive Fibonacci numbers approximates the golden ratio φ, which is also the ratio of sides in a golden rectangle. These rectangles have aesthetically pleasing proportions and are found in architecture and art.

Fibonacci and Fibonacci Words - Fibonacci words are infinite sequences of 0s and 1s constructed similarly to the Fibonacci sequence. They have interesting properties and are related to combinatorics and automata theory.

Fibonacci and Fibonacci Trees - A Fibonacci tree is a binary tree structure with the properties of the Fibonacci sequence.

Fibonacci and Continued Fractions - The golden ratio φ can be expressed as a simple continued fraction [1; 1, 1, 1, ...]. Continued fractions play an important role in understanding the properties of irrational numbers. These are just a few more fascinating connections between the Fibonacci sequence and various mathematical concepts. The study of Fibonacci numbers is rich and diverse, and their appearance in different areas of mathematics and nature continues to inspire researchers and enthusiasts alike.

Fibonacci And The Psychology of Shortcuts Via The Psychology of Shortcuts

The Fibonacci sequence, may cause a gawp or three,
where the Fibonacci sequence sprouts out so like a tree,
branches here leading to factors there, factors oft-repeated,
when the Fibonacci sequence rolls, we feel as if we've been treated,
to another special show of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics, or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence proves to have a knowing way with words,
yes, even our colorful language, comes down to numerical blurbs.
The Psychology of Shortcuts loves the Fibonacci sequence(s),
because they empower focused, intentional consequences,
happy, empowering, helping others to help themselves.
Find the mathematical joys of the Fibonacci sequence.
Inside of you resides genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is the day you reject your own repeat mediocrity.
Today you make the tiniest decision to squeeze one more.
One percent more of who and what you are starts right now,
one that you get repaid for repeatedly, more than you can count.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Cease forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
Some 99 of 100 of your opinions are opinions of those you trusted.
Now, you suspend opinions to listen more to those who win more
Whoever you most admire, stop yammering,
start imitating YOUR greatest champions.

Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and tends to teach the best, to all the rest.
Those who persist in employing Fibonacci terms know the power of this magical term.
The universe and the Psychogy of Shortcuts invite you to help save a world by excelling.
Nourishing your body and mind is aimed at your choosing to helping more of the helpless
For the next three weeks, invest only one minute per day, learning two Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Much as you benefit from Fibonacci, the self-discipline of controlling one minute of your day,
the simple skill of not deviating from a set, cybernetic goal, multiplies your likely mastery.
If your opinion had merit, you'd already be a world-class master, so, suspend opinions.
The death process in EVERY living thing begins at the same, identical moment in life:
The death process, including yours, starts at the exact moment that growth stops.
Your willingness to understand this, and to use it repeatedly, is your everything.
Friends, help friends. The Psychogy of Shortcuts wants you using shortcuts.

Try a baker's dozen terms of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and 144!

Whether you use Fibonacci terms to exercise your brain to maintain youth, flexibility, and a sharp mind,
or merely employ and engage Fibonacci numbers to encourage and promote prosperity, USE Fibonacci.

Even the tiny exercises of Fibonacci can help. Look through these numbers and figure out just by looking at the number what its relationship is.

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The Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route aim to be YOUR Worldwide Fibonacci Capital,
where the technologies of yesteryear are, far from anachronistic, tools for your sweet use in the present.
Living within the Psychology of Shortcuts

Secrets of Success - Succeeding Faster With The Psychology of Shortcuts

Get more from yourself and the assets you have access to.
Boost yourself upwards with the Psychology of Shortcuts.

The only opinions you can benefit from are the opinions of those who have repeatedly done it successfully.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is the ultimate in self-empowerment, with the Godfather of EyeCandy, for You 
These are the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, the great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
indubitably YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. That's why the Psychology of Shortcuts is free for your life.
These inclusions of Fibonacci by virtue of inserting Fibonacci numbers here and there just may help!
The Psychology of Shortcuts encourages you to both learn about Fibonacci, and to use Fibonacci.
Never form opinions on new information until you have examined and made use of that info.

QRA Means Technology Health Route Quantum Reflex Analysis QRA Sites
The Technology Health Route has so many QRA sites because every human on earth can learn QRA
It is estimated that people like you, practicing QRA at home, can save a hundred million MD appointments - Often heard from those who practice quantum reflex analysis: "QRA me, please," to learn the precise truth about your body - Acronymically, QRA means Quantum Reflex Analysis, in the Technology Health Route list of Top 12 Innovations of the Century
- In respect and reference to the game of life, the Technology Health Route asserts QRA to be the name of the health and longevity game
- Accuracy supercedes belief, opinions, and more. - Natural, safer, healthier, hands down winner, QRA
- Invest wisely into yourself by learning QRA, or enjoy a QRA session with an expert, Level III QRA Practitioner near you or by phone, photo, or internet
If your doctor has given up on you, or the reverse, call a QRA practitioner wherever you can find one - QRA Appointments - Brooklyn, NY, NJ, CT - No comparison: QRA is the most accurate test of all organs and glands. or self-trained QRA person or self-trained QRA person or self-trained QRA person - non-invasive, pain-free, more accurate
- Make an appointment today with a QRA Practitioner and get several of the greatest surprises of your life, informationally. Better health QRA Practitioner
- The game-changer of game-changers because you can use Quantum Reflex Analysis to measure the strength of food and plenty much more - A thousand medical devices cannot reveal more personal information about you and your statethan one skilled quantum reflex analysis expert
Paying homage to all QRA practitioners who remain focused on kai-sen - unceasing improvement, David Cohen proved the best of all QRA practitioners
- Online or offline, the Technology Health Route URGES you to learn how to perform reflex analysis on your loved ones, food, etc

Technology Health Route QVials Assure QRA Accuracy

Holding QVial at GV20 for one second strengthens all brain points.
Holding QVial at GV20 for a single second strengthens all 365 proven body points.

The Technology Health Route is certain that QVials will benefit your full life.
With QVials, and even basic Quantum Reflex Analysis skills, you get to win health!

Your opinion, like all others, have ZERO VALUE
until AFTER you have knowledge/experience.

When you can instantly assay your organs and glands, and temporarily strengthen them,
do you recognize that the Technology Health Route is accurate in seeing this as a lifetime benefit?
Further, the Technology Health Route counts QVials among the greatest inventions in all of human history.
Again, what value is there in opinion? Generous reward for any human who can disprove QRA or supercharging!

Stop expressing and even forming opinions
on anything
until you have broad knowledge of, and experience in it.

This one master secret of the universe instantly - truly instantaneously -
raises your intelligence, elevates your decision-making process, and results.

Having added the frequencies used in Brainlifters to the original QVials,
MisterShortcut repeatedly asserted that his Pi-reciting, skills with reciting Fibonacci,
and quite a bit more, were direct consequences of touching QVial to GV20 many x daily.

It's the only "forever" tool you're likely to find, anywhere, and guaranteed forever.

EVERYTHING brought into brief contact w QVials passes every double-blind energy test.
As to your opinion, it is as worthless as ours is: NOTHING supercedes proof in this life.

As a treasured tool of the Technology Health Route for helping us to help ourselves,
QVials managed to rise up to the top of the list of exterior tools worth using.


PS: No need to buy QVials. Megaphotons images do the same thing,
have the same proven affect: ANYTHING or ANYONE failing QRA test,
is going to test strong just from being exposed to Megaphotons.
You're not invited to believe it, only to disprove it. - The most powerful minerals on earth - QVial is filled with minerals supercharged by multiple processes - Technology Health Route favorite - Holding one of the QVials at the highest point on your head IMMEDIATELY and temporarily strengthens all brain points, and all body points
Information on how QVials affect the brain and individual body points,
365 of which directly relate to organs, glands, and body tissue strength

No phrases in any language can suffice for the Technology Health Route to convey too enthusiastically the value to YOU of QRA. Learn, learn, learn.
Five, not thirty, just five minutes per day learning more about QRA, and you can rapidly be living your own version of the Technology Health Route.
As it is with approximately every PowerGem of the Psychology of Shortcuts and HealthGem of simplicity abounds.
YOUNG CHILDREN can learn how to do QRA testing in just a minute or three, so, YOU should be qra testing your first day, and for all your life.
Awaken the Technology Health Route in you, learning how to live stronger for longer, because Life offers no timeouts, ticking relentlessly.
Every human on earth needs to use these QVials, because it is insane to think we do not benefit from making our meridians stronger.
Even the temporary nature of the QVial effect is no reason to hesitate, because the effect is instantaneous, and it is omnipotent.

Without Spending Your Money!!
We can all help the helpless with free clicks that produce FREE FOOD

One clickthrough - one life saved
Click To Save A Life - Live YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts

Hunger and Poverty:
Let's end starvation
Live the Psychology of Longevity
Help others to live stronger longer

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Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

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TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved Donate Bread (Click Loaf)

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When you click this food button and the one that pops open, a starving human gets fed, at no charge to you.
What sweeter function can the Psychology of Shortcuts provide?   You become MY hero, my heroine ...

Find and build the Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Longevity within you. You're worth it.
When you duplicate the efforts of your yesterday, you must expect the same or similar results, yes?

By increasing your efforts even one miniscule percent, you will find the mastery awaiting your call.

That one percent, added up for a hundred days, and even unto a thousand and more days of improvement,
will elicit the best of the Psychology of Longevity and Psychology of Shortcuts already within you.


Everyone has choices to make. With love are you advised that most of your choices are not proving to be in your best interest.
Paying yourself first means caring intelligently. The primary tools for every human include air, water, sea salt, oil, bulk, bacteria.

Those are five powerful secrets of life, they supercede most of the benefits attainable from anywhere else, provided you use them well.
Yet, you persist in demonstrating stunning stupidity in how you make use of these five single most critical elements of your longevity.

Air is first. Do you use that tool fully, completely, and hyper-profitably, or do you use that tool just enough to get by?
Whether you decide one day that you will run up every flight of stairs you encounter, other than appropos exceptions,
or merely learn to exhale two, three, even five times as much as you do now, expelling toxins from many years ago,
you can learn to use more of the tools you already have available to you, to find profits popping in unexpectedly.

With respect to all healthiest beverages, you know the most vital of all,
good, clean water. Body functions, such as 490 direct actions of the liver,
need water to function, such as kidneys filtering 2,000 liters of blood today.
Abusing kidneys via dehydration has to be a signature human stupidity, hm?
As with teeth, kidneys are rare in that, past a certain point, they cannot be fixed.
Kidneys do not rest even in sleep, they require ounces of water every waking hour.
As well, thousands of enzymatic reactions that only happen when notified by the liver,
the very transportation of nutrients through your bloodstream, delivering critical energy,
the functions of your body needs water, and the better your water, the greater the nutrition.

It used to be basic to most everyone who has had access to water. Today, real care is required.
There's scant likelihood of our knowing all the thousands of chemicals in our drinking water today.
To be our healthiest beverage, water must be clean, refreshing, and, to be enjoyed, it has to be tasty!
If you are wise enough to identify and acquire truly top-notch, strictly-natural supplements to add, better!
Even as water already is the healthiest beverage, adding superfoods makes it your HEALTHIEST of beverages.

See if your vitamins or supplements or green drinks can stand up to the one-second bidigital test that will tell you.

Hold your thumb and weaker finger together and gently resist as someone else gently pulls your O-ring apart. Easy enough?

Teach yourself how to test the energetic strength of anything on or near earth.
Using the QRA test will do the trick for you, every time, with, say, greens drinks.
If you want to know if a greens drink is going to weaken or strength you, do QRA:

Hold your thumb and any finger, preferably a weaker one,
and gently resist as a friend gently pulls the o-ring apart,
not as a contest of strength between two opponents,
just to see where your "zero point" is in the o-ring,
how much it takes to just begin to open that o-ring.

Now, gently bang the bottle of energy drink you want to test,
with the thumb and first two fingers, with a simple pinching grip.
Now, have the friend pull your o-ring apart and see the difference.
If the energy drink is good, non-toxic, the energy drink will test strong.
When you cannot hold your fingers in an o-ring with even gentle pulling?
If the drink is energetically weak, the energy drink will reliably test weaker.

Now, to find out if that energy drink will weaken or strengthen you personally,
test your O-ring first, then hold the bottle up against your chest or shoulders.
If the greens drink tests strong, that greens drink is going to strengthen you.
If the energy drink tests weak, that particular greens drink is not for you.
The "catch" is that the tester can make errors if their GV20 point is weak.
We fix that with 30 seconds of QCI, or one second using the supercharged QVIAL.
The QRA test is magnificent, and works on food, people, shoes, cars, EVERYTHING.
Do not underestimate the power of vastu. If you do not know about vastu, learn!!!

A few more tastes of Psychology of Longevity & Psychology of Shortcuts :

Cold Cure       Doctors       Doctors 2       Health       Health2       Health Index
Herbal Medicine       Herbal Medicine 2       Hugs       Hundreds


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Incredible Power       Oxygen Therapy       Mini Index Page
Quit-smoking 2       Quit-smoking 3       QXCI       Rife Technology

Shortcuts Means Greatest Success Shortcuts. Learn more, live more, earn more, give more.
These are cornerstones of the Psychology of Shortcuts contract: We help you. Some of your success is ours. Use it to help the helpless.

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Technology Health Route Secrets - Use What You HAVE!!!

Since the Technology Health Route is, naturally, already a part of you,
embrace the secrets of the Technology Health Route as a part of your daily life.
You are certain to be pleased in so many different ways. Live it yourself in pleasure.
Breathe deeply, not in shallow spurts. Drink enough water. Stretch several times per day.
If you like, do each set of repetitions in Fibonacci numbers, whether 1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34, or 55.
Fibonacci can be a habit after you determine its value. Thus, encouragement to "Fibonaccify."

HealthGems from your Technology Health Route tend to be well worth repeating, in all of these many ways.
Until you have mastered your corner of interest, researching at the Technology Health Route and beyond,
ALWAYS consult with your primary health care provider before making any changes in medication.
Until you master at least one hundred new facts about what ails you, consult with professionals.
Pharmaceuticals are so dangerous they sometimes cause problems if you stop taking them.
Any physician who reaches for Rx drugs before natural answers cannot be a top doctor.
Always consult WITH a trusted primary health care provider: you must participate!
If you leave your most important health decisions to others, you may well lose.
Allowing others to decide your greatest decisions is the height of stupidity.
Other people cannot be expected to care more for you than for money.
This is a sad and unchanging fact of life. Your life is no exception.
Learning more, you participate intelligently in health decisions.
Learn about what ails you in pursuit of achieving its defeat.
Learning just one hundred facts, your mastery develops.
Search out natural answers to every health challenge.
Each health challenge has 'natural healing' answers.
After so many disastrous injuries, the proof is pure.
Natural answers do not kill as do allopathic drugs.
Learn more, often, for you are likely to live more.
If you knew better, we'd watch you doing better.
Give attention to those who have, and still do,
living stronger for longer, doing so naturally.
Where you can, include Fibonacci numbers.
Better living is mostly just better decisions.

Such is your Technology Health Route.
Fibonacci or not, live life naturally.

Shapetalk Exegesis From The Psychology of Shortcuts

Couple of notes on Shapetalk, partly for exegesis to edify the mind of the visitor,
and partly because, with "Shapetalk" well below the radar of quotidian word use,
goal-push to keep Shapetalk websites fairly listed must be a repeated set of efforts.
Thus, the Psychology of Shortcuts says three things about Shapetalk, aiming at accuracy:

1) Shapetalk can hardly be called the "invention" of the Psychology of Shortcuts ; at most, an innovation

2) Shapetalk EyeCandy treats exist by the many tens of thousands, each on unique MisterShortcut - Psychology of Shortcuts pages.

3) Shapetalk is, primarily, the eyecandy presentation of wisdom coming from masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires.

Until you know more than said masters, millionaires, champions, and billionaires, invest your attention into "their" Shapetalk,
because these fine role models are the people who create these shortcuts in the times when there are no extant shortcuts.
If we do not get our information direct from the horse's mouth, are we not to be caught at the wrong end of the horse?

What's With The Psychology of Shortcuts And All These Fibonacci Numbers?

Why is the Psychology of Shortcuts, and also so focused on Fibonacci, and the putative power of Fibonacci?
A great question. First, the "putative." So far, no human who has experimented with Fibonacci and reported on their outcomes has demurred.
There seems to be a universal agreement, from mathematicians and other scientists to even moderately-educated non-professional experimenters.
Everyone who "plays" with Fibonacci by way of including Fibonacci sequences in their work or play, reports a definite difference in achieved results.
Since it does not cost money to involve Fibonacci in your life, begin including Fibonacci numbers where and as you can inveigle them into your efforts.
The Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route have involved Fibonacci numbers on many levels, and they are now global arenas of education.

Shortcuts Through Shortcuts

Health Start - Technology Health Route

Wealth Index For the Psychology of Shortcuts

Rebound to the top of this Psychology of Shortcuts Fibonacci page

Shapetalk From Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalk Collection - First domain to introduce an entire website of Shapetalk PowerGems - core wisdom of the Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route - Shortcuts for excellence - Master secrets of the universe for your self-empowerment by the Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route - Collection of wisdom-rich Shapetalks. EyeCandy presentations of the PowerGems that constitute the Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route

Fibonacci Exegesis - Psychology of Shortcuts On Fibonacci

Dividing any two adjacent Fibonacci numbers gives the omnipresent Golden number.
For example:
34 divided by 55 = 0.618 or, inversely, 55 divided by 34 = 1.618.

The Fibonacci sequence got its name from Filis Bonacci (son of Bonacci),
better known even now as Leonardo of Pisa. Born Leonardo Fibonacci in 1175,
his landmark book on arithmetic, The Liber Abaci was disseminated in 1202.
A standard for two centuries, the book is still considered by many
to be the best book ever written on arithmetic.

The Liber Abaci was his primary vehicle to introduce and demonstrate superiority
of the Hindu Arabic system of numeration in comparison to the long-used Roman System.
Fibonacci certainly merited his high reputation among scientific and mathematics scholars.
His repute spread across Italy, and elsewhere. It was powerful enough to engender quite a contest.
King Frederick II, while visiting Pisa in 1225, sponsored a public competition in mathematics to test Leonardo's skill.
Fibonacci was the only one participating in the contest who was able to answer all of the questions put to the contestants.

You will find Fibonacci most everywhere you look, from teeth to flowers, and so much more.
Even in the Psychology of Shortcuts, as well as you will find Finbonacci.
Just as embracing Fibonacci brings benefits that most of us would never have anticipated before knowing,
so, too, does embracing the Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route bring an array of benefits.

Ultimate Health - Technology Health Route and Ahhmigo

As the ultimate supplement greens drink, promoting YOUR ultimate health,
Ahhmigo and the Technology Health Route encourage you to learn about Fibonacci.
The more you know, the better your decisions tend to be, including your ultimate decisions.
Excellence only happens intentionally, just as Ahhmigo intentionally became the ultimate supplement.
Just as Ahhmigo urges you to towards ultimate health using the ultimate supplements, so, too, with ideas.
At first glance, there is no apparent connection to be observed between the Fibonacci sequence and vastu.
However, vastu, along with the Fibonacci sequence as well are part of the master secrets of the universe.
Start with the basics. Learn why people are fascinated with vastu, and-or with the Fibonacci sequence.
Pursue any of the many thousands of pathways within the Psychology of Shortcuts, et alia.
Each of them will guide you to wisdom that will yield better, faster successful results,
by way of the wisdom & results of masters, millionaires, champions and billionaires.

Pursue ultimate knowledge, just as you pursue ultimate health. Learn more to live more.

Shapetalk From Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalk Collection - Third in the series of Shapetalk websites. Learn these master secrets of the universe by living your own perception of the Psychology of Shortcuts - The Godfather of Shortcuts and EyeCandy invested 180,000,0000 precious, irreplaceable seconds to be your Psychology of Shortcuts Shapetalker - Admixture of PowerGems wisdom and EyeCandy is where the Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route bring you the world of Shapetalking

Fibonacci sequence - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditty Poem

Fibonacci sequence is what we do, Fibonacci sequence is one way to learn great truths.
Even more than Fibonacci, more than ownership itself, is how you feel when Fibonacci,

helps you to help somebody else.

You close the deal.... and end up with more chips, thanks and applause to Fibonacci.

Fibonacci sequence is plenty of fun, and Fibonacci sequence proves you are a thinking somone,
all to show that Fibonacci sequence is a good, making money in the ways that we should.

The shortcuts for Fibonacci sequence are many, especially when Fibonacci sequence with O.P.M.
As you realize, or surely should if you intend to make the Fibonacci sequence a part of your life,
one new Fibonacci fact per day can be more than enough to expand your personal prosperity.
As odd as it might sound, there is no denying the influence of Fibonacci on so much of life.
Since the Technology Health Route is most particularly focused on matters of better health,
it is the province of the Psychology of Shortcuts to share "Fibonacci sequence" shortcuts.
So are you welcome when promising to the helpless with our share of your new wealth,
via your Psychology of Shortcuts primer on Fibonacci sequence with OPM shortcuts.
Did you know that Fibonacci can even be a part of success in Fibonacci sequence?
Before taking your next step towards Fibonacci sequence, learn about Fibonacci.

Learn, and also determine yourself, how Fibonacci can be applied for you.
Best of all might be combining Fibonacci and vastu remediation methods.
The more we combine the oldest and newest sciences and technologies,
the more we see Psychology of Shortcuts -level advances in ourselves.
LUCK is acronymic for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. Good luck.

Fibonacci sequence - Psychology of Shortcuts Second Poetry Ditty

The Fibonacci sequence, may cause a gawp or three,
where the Fibonacci sequence sprouts out so like a tree,
branches here leading to factors there, factors oft-repeated,
when the Fibonacci sequence rolls, we feel as if we've been treated,
to another special show of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics, or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence proves to have a knowing way with words,
yes, even our colorful language, comes down to numerical blurbs.
The Psychology of Shortcuts loves the Fibonacci sequence(s),
because they empower focused, intentional consequences,
happy, empowering, helping others to help themselves.
Find the mathematical joys of the Fibonacci sequence.
Inside of you resides genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is the day you reject your own repeat mediocrity.
Today you make the tiniest decision to squeeze one more.
One percent of who and what you are is a tiny investment,
one you are certain to be repaid for, more than you can count.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Stop forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
Some 99 of 100 of your opinions are opinions of those you trusted.
Today, you suspend opinions to listen to more of those who win more.
Whoever you most admire,
stop yammering,
start imitating YOUR champions.

Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and tends to teach the best, to all the rest.
For the next three weeks, invest three minutes per day learning three Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Even the first dozen numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
With many thousands of applications for Fibonacci numbers in your life, get Fibonacci-happy, briefly.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is pleased to introduce the Fibonacci sequence into so many lives. Use it!


Buying Property - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditty Poem

Buying property is mighty fun, and buying property proves you are money-making one,
all to show that buying property is a good, making money in the ways that we should.

The shortcuts for buying property are many, particularly when buying property with O.P.M.
As you know, or ought to if you are going to buying property on any type of repeat basis,
is "Other People's Money." OPM, you should know, is the best way to be buying property.
Since the Technology Health Route treats almost exclusively with matter of our health,
it is the province of the Psychology of Shortcuts to share "buying property" shortcuts.
Thus are you welcome when agreeing to help the helpless with our share of wealth,
to the Psychology of Shortcuts primer on buying property with OPM and shortcuts.
Did you know that Fibonacci can even be a part of success in buying property?
Before taking your next step towards buying property, learn about Fibonacci.
Learn, and also determine yourself, how Fibonacci can be applied for you.
Best of all might be combining Fibonacci and vastu remediation methods.
The more we combine the oldest and newest sciences and technologies,
the more we see Psychology of Shortcuts -level advances in ourselves.
LUCK is acronymic for Laboring Under Correct Knowledge. Good luck.

Let’s improve this world, one page, one click at a time.
If you agree to share, you will learn great health & wealth.
Your Psychology of Shortcuts Is Wisdom You Already Possess.
Your Technology Health Route, wisdom proven by the long-lived.
All wisdom contains multiple layers, multiplex levels of usefulness.
If you know to listen, comprehend powerful information, new to you.
Do you see two ears to one mouth meaning using ears twice as much?
These next few minutes of your life are likely to alter you forever. Focus.
When we obtain benefit from new facts, we get to our first level of wisdom.
When you obtain benefit from new facts, you get to your first level of wisdom.
With so much of you invested in getting to the first level, let’s remove your limits.
You have invested eighty percent of what is needed to get to so many more profits.
Don’t limit yourself to one meaning. With less time and effort, each layer gets better.
This is a major and master secret of the universe, used by all of the masters around you.
Seek and find your second level of utility, and then your third and even fourth and fifth uses.
Your learning curve goes up in but mere minutes, even today, when you look past first blush.
Every human you’ve ever met who was or is worth admiring uses this magical PowerGem.
Each PowerGem is an omnipotent, universal secret of your own Psychology of Shortcuts.
PowerGems stay hidden in plain sight, through all the millions of MisterShortcut pages.
We do not quit, at anything, because we failed. We fail as soon as we choose to quit.
One closing thought about a matter of great import to the Psychology of Shortcuts :
You already know that what goes around comes around, as in “What goes up…”
Click through to TheHungerSite, once for each day you get to live and breathe.
When you save dozens & then hundreds of lives, luck tends to transmogrify.
Delight in how profoundly and in many ways your life is quickly enriched.
You need not believe the Psychology of Shortcuts or any one human.
The best way to confirm or deny a fact is to replicate it, repeatedly.
Click through to TheHungerSite and other "Free Clicks" websites.
AnimalRescue and RainForest, ChildHealth, or LiteracySite.
Enjoy for yourself the sweet fruits of imitating champions.

As with every act of anonymous kindness you commit, YOU win.
As we all do, you will experience some of your life’s greatest feelings.
For applause, you can sign up at & tally your clickthroughs.
It's quite a feeling when you realize you have saved hundreds of lives.
You are smart enough to know that Newton's Law works consistently.
What goes up, comes down: what goes around comes around.
Join with the Psychology of Shortcuts, solving problems,
one at a time, with the best and greatest shortcuts,
universal shortcuts sweetly called “PowerGems.”

You’re looking for an explanation of Shapetalk?

Cloned Monkey To Make A Psychology of Shortcuts Point

ShapeTalk Is Also Multiplex!
The Psychology of Shortcuts LIVES The Principles Of The Psychology of Shortcuts
ShapeTalk. You may think that ShapeTalk is merely an expression of art, or distraction.
We each quickly benefit by learning to see ShapeTalk for what is actually is, hm?
You see, we have become sound-byte people, we like to get it short and sweet.
ShapeTalk is a way of expressing many separate pieces of wisdom in short.
There are over a thousand ShapeTalk pieces in thousands of versions,
spread all thoughout the Psychology of Shortcuts for you to find.
ShapeTalk also, critically, separates thoughts line by line.
Have you noticed that? One line, one thought, mostly.
This way we can look at ShapeTalk and count!
Count the pieces of wisdom you take away.
Look in the ShapeTalk for PowerGems.

Fibonacci - Psychology of Shortcuts and Psychology of Shortcuts Fibonacci Domains - Mr-Shortcuts and Fibonacci - Empowering you to empower yourself, with great shortcuts

Description = Fibonacci utility and benefits via Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route Fibonacci domains. Where and when you can, use Fibonacci numbers.
Seriously and habitually utilize Fibonacci numbers. Enjoy hyper-productivity, ala Psychology of Shortcuts

Abstract = secrets of success, masters and champions, Psychology of Shortcuts, MisterShortcut

Page-topic content = Using Fibonacci numbers has a powerful, generally immediate and undeniably positive effect.
You do not need to believe anyone or buy anything. Just use Fibonacci numbers and you will rapidly see effects.
This is just one of the many master secrets of the universe, hyper-shortcuts, if you will, that work nicely.
For the Psychology of Shortcuts to fully embrace a shortcuts means it has to work approximately every time.
When we drink in the ultimate supplements, we are FAR more likely to encourage our ultimate health.

These are the secrets of success, the secrets and shortcuts used by masters, millionaires, champions, billionaires.
Embrace your Psychology of Shortcuts, and the PowerGems found here, and live your life fully, richly.

Eighty percent of all who die missed longer, stronger lives.
Eighty percent of all deaths could be easily, dietarily avoided.

How cool is Fibonacci?
Fact is, Fibonacci exists everywhere!

It is so much fun, seeing Fibonacci in action,
watching it make the difference towards prosperity
Tap into the natural powers of our all-natural universe.

How could this NOT provide benefit to how we feel?

Fibonacci - Psychology of Shortcuts Ditty Redux

The Fibonacci sequence, might cause a gasp or more,
when the Fibonacci sequence shows how excellence can perform.
Branches over there, leading to factors where, when the proof is needed,
when the Fibonacci sequence rolls, we feel as if we've been treated,
to another special show of Nature, from the greatest of mathematics,
better than an afternoon with Klezzmatics, catatonics, or aromatics.
The Fibonacci sequence proves to have a knowing way with words,
yes, even the basics of language, devolve to numerical blurbs.
The Psychology of Shortcuts embraces the Fibonacci string(s),
because they empower intentions, inventions, conventions,
so many rich merit of no less than our fullest intentions.
healthy, empowering, helping others to live up as well.
Find the mathematical joys of the Fibonacci sequence.
Within you we can find genius you rarely ever tap into.
Today is the day you eschew your own deep mediocrity.
Today you make the potent decision to pull up one more.
One percent of who and what you are is a tiny investment,
one you are certain to be repaid for, more than you can count.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is your own internalized guarantee.
Stop forming opinions about everything that you know nothing of.
90+ percent of all your opinions are only opinions of those you trusted.
Today, you suspend opinions to listen more to who repeatedly win more.
Who lives the Psychology of Shortcuts teaches the Psychology of Shortcuts.

Whoever you find "worthiest"? Imitate them; THEN refine with your knowledge.

Who does the best, ala Fibonacci, knows and shows to teach the rest how to be best.
For the next few weeks, invest three minutes per day learning three Fibonacci numbers.
If that stretches your mind past where it seems able to go, just apply Fibonacci three times.
Even the first dozen numbers of the Fibonacci sequence, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, and 89!
With many thousands of applications for Fibonacci numbers in your life, get Fibonacci-happy, briefly.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is thoroughly thrilled to introduce the Fibonacci sequence into so many lives.

With the first ten Fibonacci sequence numbers all rolled into one, welcomes you to the world of Fibonacci.

Fibonacci, Fibonacci, that why we've gathered,
to learn about the magic, that Fibonacci, gathers.

Reach inside the numbers, Fibonacci, one and all,
the secretseach sequence, is what matters most of all.
For the numbers in this sequence, Fibonacci, one and all,
can lead you where you need to go, reaching for your all.

Fibonacci, is a number, discovered long ago,
and, yet, Fibonacci, is also, a group of numbers worth the call.

MrsMushka Most Delicious Cat On Earth Mrs Mushka and MisterShortcut
Mrs Mushka, who, yes, yes, remained the most delicious cat on earth
This was the day of recognizing she was hiding a few extra pounds.
3 weeks of coconut oil added to skin, blob at a time, and Voila!

Master Secrets Of The Universe
(Try an oz of RAW olive or coconut oil, several times per day.
By the end of the first week, you should be pooping double.
Admittedly, olive oil works better; coconut tastes better.
Of course this only works well for those who drink h20).

Because water seems free, you're too dopey to use it.
Fact is, deep breathing, and water, are medicines.

Used correctly, energy, digestion, and more,
enjoy magnificent function when hydrated.

Take a deep breath in these next 10 seconds...
which means FULL EXHALE (keep emptying!).

Slow inhale... & yr brain works better.

"You can't build a reputation based on
what you're going to do."

Another MisterShortcut creation for the Psychology of Shortcuts and the Technology Health Route.

Stop wasting so much time with petty conversations. They bring you no profit, no release, no assistance.
You only get 2,000 paychecks in a typical life. How many have you already burned your way through?
One of the many tricks to getting wealthy is to spend zero on consuming for one hundred weeks.
You will be shocked at how many thousands of dollars you will have in one hundred weeks.
It is a tiny portion of your life, and promises to be the richest you imagined.
Please stop pretending you know better than those who are doing better.
You do not "NEED" that five-dollar cup of coffee, now or ever.
That dollar doughnut cost approximately one penny to make,
ONE SINGLE PENNY, yet you pay one hundred times that.
As well, the doughnut has "high fructose corn syrup,"
although there is, in fact, no such thing as "corn syrup."
If you do not believe this, attach 100 taps to any ear of corn.
Not one of those hundred syrup taps will produce one drop of syrup.
That's because there IS no such thing as corn syrup; it is manufactured.
It cancels hydrochloric acid in the stomach, erasing all nutrition from your food.
Did you know this? When you drink soda or anything containing fructose corn syrup or sugar,
your body is not capable of drawing nutrition from your food, no matter how healthy it might be.
Investing your money is so much smarter than spending it, because each dollar will become a hundred.
THEN will you be in a position to consume, or share, or further invest, as and when you see fit to do so.

Fibonacci Delivered Via Your Technology Health Route

Fibonacci warrants to surprise you,
Fibonacci even encourages prosperity.
Learn more, in hope that you can live more.
Wisdom IS inevitable, with applied education.
Such unique terms, working for who uses them.
The Psychology of Shortcuts is proof of Fibonacci.

How this is done is surely less vital than why it is done.
The Psychology of Shortcuts believes you show know this.
Eighty percent of all of us who die miss longer, stronger lives.
Eighty percent of all deaths could be easily, nutritionally avoided.
Eating well, and using Fibonacci, lifts your life up into true prosperity also serves as homage to YOUR potential,
in hope that you begin seriously tapping into the giant deep inside of you,
accessed within YOUR Psychology of Shortcuts and Technology Health Route.

Use Fibonacci strings on purpose, such as, reap the benefits of Fibonacci
... and to clarify, 01123581321345589144 is a string of the first 13 (thirteen) numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.